
Maxima Biotech Annual Meeting and New Research Center Inauguration Ceremony

We are delighted to have been invited by Maxima Biotech Chairman, Yiping Hong, and CEO, Dr. Xiaowei Tang, to attend the annual meeting of Maxima Biotech on Jan 3rd, along with other industry leaders and experts. Maxima Biotrch is an advanced manufacturer of minimally invasive medical devices. Dr. Tang believes that the company's continued high-speed growth over the past few years can be attributed to the team’s effective execution in six areas: 1. Production, 2. Market, 3. Vertical integration, 4. Economies of scale, 5. Regional coverage, and 6. Competitive advantage. This includes the team quickly obtaining TFDA certification after developing the world's second wireless ultrasonic scalpel; continuously listening to customer feedback to improve services and products after the product enters the market; strengthening user recommendations and expanding international markets and partnerships; making good use of Taiwan's industrial technology and supply chain management to improve operational efficiency; and focusing on developing emerging markets while offering high cost-performance products. We wish Maxima Biotech continued success in 2025 with even better products and performance.